December 11, 2011

Holiday Tea at Asian Art Museum 除夜釜

 サンフランシスコのアジア美術館にて、恒例のHoliday Tea(除夜釜)が催されました。
 To celebrate the end of the year, Holiday Tea Demonstration and Testing is held at Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. In three locations inside of the museum, tea rooms were set and both Urasenke and Omotesenke performed tea ceremony demonstration. Sokokai performed for Urasenke.  Japanese sweets and thin tea were served to the audience.

Asian Art Museum "Japanese Tea Ceremony":
Link to photos of past Chado event at Asian Art Museum:

November 22, 2011

Shiwasu Chakai 師走茶会 2011 by Hokka Nichibei Kai Tea Society

<< "SHIWASU CHAKAI" Sponsored by Hokka Nichibei Kai Tea Society >>
Sunday, December 18, 2011
12p.m. , 1p.m. ,  2p.m.
Fee $15 /person
At Nichibei Kai Tea Room, 観桑庵 "Kansoan"
1759 Sutter St., San Francisco, CA 94115
Reservation & Inquiries: Nichibei Kai 415-921-1782
(click the leaflet to enlarge クリックで拡大)

<< Holiday Tea at Asian Art Museum >> 
Sunday, December 11 
Japanese Tearoom, Loggia, and China Gallery (Second Floor)
12:00 noon, 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm seatings
Free with Admission; first come, first served
Learn different styles of Japanese tea practice with Bay Area tea schools and celebrate the end of the year.

Sokokai will support this event.

November 7, 2011

Robiraki 2011 炉開

Robiraki tea ceremony was held on first Sunday of November.

September 10, 2011

Sen Genshitsu Grand Master Visited San Francisco 千 玄室大宗匠SF御訪問


  From September 07 to 11, Sen Genshitsu Tea Master visited San Francisco for 60th anniversary of the signing of the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Japan-US Security Treaty of 1951. Urasenke 15th Grand Master, Dr. Genshitsu Sen, performed a solemn tea ceremony praying for world peace as well as friendship and further development of Japan-US relations. From Sokokai, Kobara-sensei and some members attended the tea ceremony and reception.


July 24, 2011

Farewell Tea Party 送別茶会

For Mrs.H who has been Sokokai member since time of its start, a farewell tea party was held. The members who are the friends for a long time gathered and it was peaceful tea party and luncheon.

May 1, 2011

Cupertino Cherry Blossom Festival クパチーノ桜祭り

At Cupertino Cherry Blossom Festival, we did tea ceremony demonstration.
Below are pictures from 2008's demo.
Everybody is helping setting up
tea room on the stage in only 30 min. 
Teisyu:Mrs. Ks, Hanto:Mrs. Kn
Mrs. Kz is a great narrator.

Link to the photos of 2006's demo:

April 10, 2011

San Francisco Cherry Blossom Festival サンフランシスコ桜祭り

Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival chado demonstration

Photos: C.Y.-san 
Thank you!

January 23, 2011

SF Tankokai Tatezomeshiki 2011 点初式


Web Mon「裏千家淡交会サンフランシスコ協会 北加日米会観桑庵で点初茶会開催(click the link)
月刊もん Photo News

Nichi Bei "Chado Urasenke Tankokai SF Kyokai holds tea ceremony" (click the link)

Nichibei Web

January 9, 2011

Hatsugama 2011 初釜

Sokokai's Hatsugama Tea Celemony was held on January 9.

Below are the photographs of Hatsugama of 2010.

January 2, 2011

Supporting Sokokai News Blog

Dear Sokokai members,

"Sokokai News Blog" is our information page that all the Sokokai members can create.
When you go to tea related events, you can send articles to share.
For the past events, please send us some nice photos with date and description.
If you know about sokokai's history, please write about interesting episode. It would be 
great to know especially for newer members. 

Also, volunteers who are interested in helping taking care of the web page are welcome! 
No experience is necessary.



To send your article...
    Preferred photo size: 480X360 or smaller
    Preferred language: English only or English and Japanese.
        ( <dot>=.    <at>=@ )

Please do not include your personal information like your real name, home address, phone number etc.  All the people on the Internet can read our article.

If you don't want to your photos are posted on the web page, please let us know ASAP.  When you contact us, please specify "No photos" or "Thumbnails only".

We hope you enjoy our new blog.
