Our Teacher 小原宗香先生

Chado Urasenke, Meiyo Shihan, Soko Kobara, 小原宗香 名誉師範

Soko Kobara and her late husband, Rev. Seiji Kobara established The Urasenke San Francisco Chapter (presently known as Chado Urasenke San Francisco Tankokai Association) 60 years ago, to introduce “The Way Of Tea” to the people in San Francisco and the Bay Area.

Soko Kobara is a charter member and has been an adviser to The Chado Urasenke San Francisco Tankokai Association.

She has been teaching “The Way of Tea” for over 45 years in her tea room at her home in San Francisco. She teaches in both Japanese and English, from beginners to teacher level. Her tea room was named “Shiun- An” by the Urasenke 15tth Grand Tea Master.

She has received numerous awards from Urasenke Grand Tea Master in Kyoto (Oiemoto), San Francisco Counsel General of Japan, and SF Cherry Blossom Festival Committee.

In 2007, she received Chado Urasenke‘s highest title MEIYO SHIHAN (Distinguished Master) from present 16th Grand Tea Master (Oiemoto).

She was one of the first inductee into the BUNKA HALL OF FAME of Northern California Japanese American Association for her contribution to Tea Ceremony. She is the Urasenke representative in the Nichi Bei Kai Tea Society which promotes Japanese culture through Japanese Tea Ceremony.

She is also an accomplished Calligrapher with the artist name, Ranngetsu.

Soko Kobara Biography

In 1951, Soko Kobara met Hounsai Wakasosho in Seattle. He came to the United States for the first time to promote “The Way of Tea.”
She is a Jikimon 直門 (direct student of the15th Grand Tea Master, Hounsai).
In 1968, Received her Chamei tea name, Soko (宗香) in Kyoto.
She introduced to the public and performed the “First Tea Ceremony demonstration” which was approved by Urasenke 14th Grand Tea Master,

Tantansai, for the 1st Cherry Blossom Festival at Japan Cultural Center in San Francisco
In 1970, Received Junkyouju (準教授) teaching certificate
In 1983, Her students and family members established the Sokokai group
In 1983, Her students and family members established the Sokokai group
to share “the way of tea” with each other
In 1986, Received Kyoju (教授) teaching certificate and received a medal of recognition for teaching from the 15th Grand Tea Master Hounsai
In 1990, The 15th Grand Tea Master Hounsai, named her tearoom Shiun-an (紫雲庵)
In 1993, Celebrating 25 years of teaching – received a proclamation from San Francisco Mayor Frank Jordan, declaring May 2, 1993 as “Soko Kobara Day”
In 2002, Received Seikyoju (正教授)Highest teaching qualification and received Tokubetsu Kouroushou (特別功労賞) for establishing the Chado Urasenke Tankokai group in San Francisco

In 2006, Elected into the first Nichibei Kai Bunka Hall of Fame
In 2008, She was honored with the title of Distinguished Tea Master, Meiyoshihan ( 名誉師範) from the present Grand Tea Master, Zabousai Oiemoto in Kyoto.
In 2012, Co-Chairman for the 60th Anniversary of Chado Urasenke Tankokai San Francisco Association and 30th Anniversary of Urasenke Foundation. She received special recognition from the present Grand Tea Master, Zabousai Oiemoto and received the Culture Award from the Consul General of Japan, Mr. Hiroshi Inomata
She has been teaching Urasenke “The Way of Tea” in San Francisco and the Bay Area for over 50 years, and she is the Special Consultant for the Chado Urasenke Tankokai San Francisco Association.

     Prof. Soko Kobara has been teaching Chanoyu in the Bay Area for over forty-five years.  During that time, she has been one of the most influential persons in spreading the practice of tea ceremony in this area.  In 2007, Prof. Kobara was inducted into the Hall of Fame for Japanese Arts in San Francisco.  In 2009, she received the title of Distinguished Master, Meiyo Shihan, from the 16th Grand Tea Master, Oiemoto Zabosai, of the Urasenke School.  In April 2012, she received a special commendation from the Japanese Council General in San Francisco, for her tireless efforts in promoting Japanese culture in the United States.
(By Y. Kz.)

小原宗香(Soko Kobara, こばら そうこう)先生は、北米大陸においても数少ない名誉師範をいただかれたうちのお一人。茶道のみならず、仏教、華道、香道、書道、日舞、音楽などにも造詣が深く、現在より40年以上前よりサンフランシスコ・ベイエリアの地に裏千家茶道を根付かせ、広めたことで、サンフランシスコ支部発足の礎となった草分けでもあります。
(By T. M.)

ベイスポ 「ベイエリアで暮らす」2012年6月22日号掲載
『おもてなしの心を忘れずに』 小原和子さん